
Over the last 15 years I have had my health insurance agency there has been a physical office most of the time. However, with everything going virtual we had only 10 people come into our physical office in the last 12 months. Going forward we are working remote from home. Just makes sense and is cheaper and save some money as well.

We have some time left on our lease until end of 2023, so wanted to see if we can rent out each room separately at a steep discount to you, you can take over the lease if you would like or sign a new longer-term lease and probably get a decent deal from the building owners. They are really great building owners and nice people! Still friends of mine.

My current rent is $1,857 per month. If you wanted to take over my lease I would be willing to let you have most of the fully furnished office furniture for FREE. There are a few items I will let you use yet will want those few items back eventually. If you have any questions or interested in renting a room for a cheap price in the meantime, give me a call 425-802-2783 or email gary@achieve-alpha.com.

See the pictures of my office below.

NOTE: If you find a tenant I will pay a commission for getting someone for the space!!!


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