
washington health plan finder logoOur core area of expertise is individual health insurance in Washington State. We can help you navigate the Health Insurance landscape. We put this page together to help give you an overview of the Individual Health Insurance carriers and details on how to reach out to them in the future. If you have questions we are here to help. Below are ways to look up that insurance carriers contact information to make your life easier.

If you have an individual health insurance plan in WA with one of these carriers, click on the link to that carrier page. It will give you more details on how to reach them to find providers, billing, prescription drug lookup, hospital networks, and phone numbers to call.

Save this page, as we will be updating it every year going forward as things change. If you find a link or phone number no longer works please let us know and will get it updated. 

Individual Health Carriers in WA:

Prescription Drug Formulary for WA Individual Carriers: If you want to look up your Prescription Drugs to see which carrier covers them the best, you can search here.

Apple Health (Medicaid) This program is income based to qualify. You can’t choose Apple Health. It is assigned if your income is below a certain threshold for the size of your household for adults and children.

HOW TO MAKE A PAYMENT with each individual health insurance carrier. Click on the link to show you every way they allow you to make payments.

Throughout the year we want to help you get the best insurance products for your needs. As you have needs for Life, Disability, Long Term Care and Medicare Insurance we are here for you. Give us a call, text or email if you have any questions or want a quote.

Our areas of expertise are:

Gary Franke & Tamara Chandler
Achieve Alpha Insurance LLC
Independent Broker
12505 Bel-Red Rd, Ste 106

Bellevue, WA 98005
425-802-2783 (call or text office line)

If we are not currently your health insurance broker on the WA HelathPlanFinder, the process to add us is easy and there is no cost to you. Our commission is built in, so it is the same cost if you do it yourself or work with us. A true win/win. Just go to Find a Broker on your WA Exchange Portal and put my name in Gary Franke. This also allows Tamara Chandler to help here at Achieve Alpha Insurance as well. We appreciate any referrals as well!